Facilities Master Plan

  • In July 2017, SchoolWorks Inc., was retained by the Millbrae School District to develop a Facilities Master Plan as a framework for the development of its school facilities improvements over the next five to ten years. Schoolworks, Inc. assembled a team of specialists in the fields of facility planning, demographics, construction and finance to document and evaluate each school site. Assisting our team was a collaboration of District Administration, Maintenance and Operations staff, Principals, members of the community and the Board of Trustees.

    The Facilities Master Plan focuses on how existing and future District facilities can provide the best educational support and experience for the District’s students, staff and the community.

    Preparation and implementation of a Facilities Master Plan identifies, defines and establishes needs and pathways for facilities improvements. Operating and maintaining educational facilities should have dynamic, responsive long-range planning if the District’s facilities are to remain useful, cost-effective and successful in meeting the District’s educational goals.

    View the Millbrae School District Facilities Master Plan