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Employee Retirement Information
California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS)
Effective January 1, 2014, ALL benefits counseling services, walk-in assistance, and document review and acceptance, will be provided directly by CalSTRS employees. If you would like to make a counseling appointment, please call CalSTRS directly at 800-228-5453. If you would like to submit documents to CalSTRS, please do so by mailing them directly to CalSTRS at the address listed on the form itself. CalSTRS now offers a limited number of telephone appointments with counselors at their headquarters in Sacramento. If you would like to schedule a telephone appointment, please call CalSTRS at (800) 228-5453. The CalSTRS (California State Teachers Retirement System) website allows you to download and print current CalSTRS forms and publications. Click here...
California State Teachers Retirement System
P.O. Box 15275
Sacramento, CA 95851-0275
(800) 228-5453
www.calstrs.comCalSTRS Santa Clara Regional Office
3945 Freedom Circle, Suite 350
Santa Clara, CA 95054California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS)
The California Public Employees' Retirement System provides individual counseling services and workshops for their members through the CalPERS regional offices. To speak to a CalPERS representative, call toll free (888) CalPERS (225-7377). Estimates of retirement benefits and general information may also be obtained through the CalPERS website. Click here...
At the CalPERS Forms and Publications Center, you can order up to two copies of available CalPERS forms and publications, download materials, or check the status of your order. Click here...
California Public Employees Retirement System
P.O. Box 15275
Sacramento, CA 95851-0275
(888) CalPERS (225-7377)
www.calpers.ca.govCalPERS San Jose Regional Office
181 Metro Drive Suite 520
San Jose, CA 95110
(888) 225-7377MESD Supplemental Retirement Information
Employee Benefits Services (EBS)
403b and 457b Plans - Traditional Pre-tax and Roth After-tax are both available. Participation in any of these retirement plans is voluntary. Employee Benefits Services & Advisors, Inc. / AltaMontclair (EBSA) is our district’s Third Party Administrator (TPA) for 403b and 457b plans. If you would like to enroll, make changes, or have any questions about these retirement plans, please contact EBS directly.
EBS Registered Representative
Stacie Bowman
595 Millich Dr. Ste 100
Campbell, CA 95008
Office: 408-978-1000
sbowman@ebenefitsservices.netEBSA Website
403b/457b Plan Vendor List
403b/457b Plan Forms