State and Federal Programs
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The Federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) governs the administration of federal grants to education programs. Recipients of federal grants are required to implement internal controls that safeguard the integrity of their programs to achieve intended results. Time documentation is required to ensure that the district is properly charging salaries and wages that are reasonable, necessary and allowable in accordance with applicable program requirements. EDGAR requires all employees who are fully or partially funded by federal programs to prepare and maintain time documentation. Non-compliance results in audit findings reported both to the state and federal governments will result in loss of funding. These time documents will be reviewed during both our annual financial audit and by California Department of Education (CDE) during Federal Program Monitoring (FPM). administration of federal grants to education programs. Recipients of federal grants are required to implement internal controls that safeguard the integrity of their programs to achieve intended results. Time documentation is required to ensure that the district is properly charging salaries and wages that are reasonable, necessary and allowable in accordance with applicable program requirements. EDGAR requires all employees who are fully or partially funded by federal programs to prepare and maintain time documentation. Non-compliance results in audit findings reported both to the state and federal governments will result in loss of funding. These time documents will be reviewed during both our annual financial audit and by California Department of Education (CDE) during Federal Program Monitoring (FPM).