• 2024-2025 Student Attendance Agreement


    The Millbrae Elementary School District urges parents to make sure their children attend school regularly and to schedule medical and other appointments after school or during school holidays. The district also asks that travel or other absences be avoided during the time school is in session. The higher the district’s daily attendance rate, the more a student will learn and the greater the amount of funding that the district will receive from the state for classroom instruction and academic programs. The school calendar is designed to minimize problems for families that plan vacations around traditional holiday periods, and thereby minimize student absences.  Following an absence, a student is required to bring a written excuse from home when returning to school. Illnesses, and doctor and dental appointments are considered excused absences. Absences without a written excuse are recorded as unexcused.


    Children should be encouraged to be prompt as part of developing good habits. They are expected to be at school on time. If a child is late, the child should bring an excuse from home to the school office. A student will be classified as truant if they are tardy or absent for more than a 30 minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year.

    Truancy Definitions – EC 48260, 48262 and 48263.6

    A student is considered truant after three absences or three tardies of more than 30 minutes each time or any combination thereof and the absences or tardies are unexcused. After a student has been reported as a truant three or more times in a school year and the district has made a conscientious effort to meet with the family, the student is considered a habitual truant. A student who is absent from school without a valid excuse for 10% or more of the schooldays in one school year, from the date of enrollment to the current date, is considered a chronic truant. Unexcused absences are all absences that do not fall within EC 48205.     

    Arrest of Truants/School Attendance Review Boards – EC 48263 and 48264

    The school attendance supervisor, administrator or designee, a peace officer, or probation officer may arrest or assume temporary custody during school hours, of any minor who is found away from their home and who is absent from school without valid excuse within the county, city or school district. A student who is an habitual truant may be referred to a School Attendance and Review Board (SARB).

    Truant Consequences – EC 48263, 48267, 48268 and 48269

    Any student who is identified as “Truant” may be assigned as a ward of the court, if the available community resources do not resolve the students’ continued problem of truancy, by a Probation Officer or Deputy District Attorney.

    Chronic Absenteeism – EC 60901

    A student is considered a chronic absentee when they are absent on 10% or more of the school days in one school year, from the date of enrollment to the current date. Chronic absenteeism includes all absences – excused, unexcused and suspensions – and is an important measure because excessive absences negatively impact academic achievement and student engagement.

    Excused Absences EC 46014 and 48205

    Pupils, with the written consent of their parents or guardians, may be excused from school in order to participate in religious exercises or to receive moral or religious instruction. No pupil shall have his or her grade reduced or lose academic credit for any excused absence or absences, if missed assignments and tests that can reasonably be provided are satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time.

    Notwithstanding Section 48200, a pupil shall be excused from school when the absence is:

    (1) Due to the pupil’s illness, including an absence for the benefit of the pupil’s mental or behavioral health.

    (2) Due to quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer.

    (3) For the purpose of having medical, dental, optometrical, or chiropractic services rendered.

    (4) For the purpose of attending the funeral services or grieving the death of either a member of the pupil’s immediate family, or of a person that is determined by the pupil’s parent or guardian to be in such close association with the pupil as to be considered the pupil’s immediate family, so long as the absence is not more than five days per incident.

    (5) For the purpose of jury duty in the manner provided for by law.

    (6) Due to the illness or medical appointment during school hours of a child of whom the pupil is the custodial parent, including absences to care for a sick child, for which the school shall not require a note from a doctor.

    (7) For justifiable personal reasons, including, but not limited to, an appearance in court, attendance at a funeral service, observance of a holiday or ceremony of the pupil’s religion, attendance at a religious retreat, attendance at an employment conference, or attendance at an educational conference on the legislative or judicial process offered by a nonprofit organization, when the pupil’s absence is requested in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or a designated representative pursuant to uniform standards established by the governing board of the school district.

    (8) For the purpose of serving as a member of a precinct board for an election pursuant to Section 12302 of the Elections Code.

    (9) For the purpose of spending time with a member of the pupil’s immediate family who is an active duty member of the uniformed services, as defined in Section 49701, and has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or has immediately returned from, deployment to a combat zone or combat support position.

    Absences granted pursuant to this paragraph shall be granted for a period of time to be determined at the discretion of the superintendent of the school district.

    (10) For the purpose of attending the pupil’s naturalization ceremony to become a United States citizen.

    (11) For the purpose of participating in a cultural ceremony or event.

    (12) (A) For the purpose of a middle school or high school pupil engaging in a civic or political event, as provided in subparagraph (B), provided that the pupil notifies the school ahead of the absence.

    (B) (i) A middle school or high school pupil who is absent pursuant to subparagraph (A) is required to be excused for only one school day-long absence per school year.

    (ii) A middle school or high school pupil who is absent pursuant to subparagraph (A) may be permitted additional excused absences in the discretion of a school administrator, as described in subdivision (c) of Section 48260.

    (13) (A) For any of the purposes described in clauses (i) to (iii), inclusive, if an immediate family member of the pupil, or a person that is determined by the pupil’s parent or guardian to be in such close association with the pupil as to be considered the pupil’s immediate family, has died, so long as the absence is not more than three days per incident.

    (i) To access services from a victim services organization or agency.

    (ii) To access grief support services.

    (iii) To participate in safety planning or to take other actions to increase the safety of the pupil or an immediate family member of the pupil, or a person that is determined by the pupil’s parent or guardian to be in such close association with the pupil as to be considered the pupil’s immediate family, including, but not limited to, temporary or permanent relocation.

    (B) Any absences beyond three days for the reasons described in subparagraph (A) shall be subject to the discretion of the school administrator, or their designee, pursuant to Section 48260.

    (14) Authorized at the discretion of a school administrator, as described in subdivision (c) of Section 48260.

    (b) A pupil absent from school under this section shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed during the absence that can be reasonably provided and, upon satisfactory completion within a reasonable period of time, shall be given full credit therefor. The teacher of the class from which a pupil is absent shall determine which tests and assignments shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the tests and assignments that the pupil missed during the absence.

    (c) For purposes of this section, attendance at religious retreats shall not exceed one schoolday per semester.

    (d) Absences pursuant to this section are deemed to be absences in computing average daily attendance and shall not generate state apportionment payments.

    (e) “Immediate family,” as used in this section, means the parent or guardian, brother or sister, grandparent, or any other relative living in the household of the pupil.

    Please help by doing the following:

    • Bring your child to school if they are not sick.
    • Make doctor appointments after school, or as late in the afternoon as possible so that morning attendance is accounted.
    • Take family vacations during winter, spring and summer breaks only.
    • If your family must be gone during the school year, please contact your Principal regarding an Independent Study Contract.
    • Bring your child to school on time so that they do not miss the critical beginning of class when directions for the day (or class period) are given.
    • Be aware that truancy has serious legal consequences and that we are required to report violations of the compulsory school attendance laws of the State of California.

    By making a commitment to all of the above, you will not only ensure that your child will receive the best education possible, but you will be instilling in your child important values that will help them become a successful adult, citizen, parent and employee of the future.

    Finally, we ask for your continued support with the many other ways that help a child be successful in school: good nutrition and rest, healthy outdoor exercise, quality family time, limiting television, monitoring homework and encouraging productive activities outside of school.  Lastly, always know where your children are, who their friends are, and what they are doing when they are away from you.  Thank you for helping us to provide the very best educational experience for your child.

    Parent Pledge:

    I understand that my support is important in my child’s learning and will help him/her to be more successful.  I pledge to ensure that my child arrives at school on time every day unless they are ill or a reason of #1-9 as stated above.  I understand that my participation and support in my child’s learning will help them be a more successful student and I agree to do my personal best in supporting my child’s education.

    I pledge to:

    • Ensure that my child arrives to school on time every day unless they are ill.
    • Provide encouragement for my child to do their best work.
    • Provide time for homework with periodic checks of their work.
    • Communicate and work cooperatively with the school.
    • Attend Back to School Night, Parent Conferences, and Open House.

    Student Pledge

    Learning is important to me.  It will help me develop skills and to become a happy and productive person.  I know that I am the one most responsible for my own success.  I must work hard to be successful.  I will show my parents, teachers, and principal that I am doing my personal best.

    I pledge to:

    • Arrive at school on time every day unless I am ill.
    • Follow school and classroom rules.
    • Be a cooperative learner.
    • Work as hard as I can to do quality class work and homework.
    • Complete and turn-in all class work and homework.
    • Ask for help when I do not understand something.

    School Pledge

    Teaching and learning is important to us.  We understand the importance of the school experience for every student. We agree to provide an atmosphere that fosters learning, provides opportunities for success and helps to develop responsible, caring and independent students. 

    We pledge to:

    • Provide a safe, positive and healthy learning environment.
    • Strive to meet the individual needs of our students.
    • Identified students who need additional academic support will be given opportunities through specialized programs.
    • Clearly communicate expectations for class work, homework, and student behavior.
    • Communicate regularly with parents through progress reports, newsletters, automated calls, and direct parent contacts.
    • Celebrate the success and hard work of students.
    • Adopt the best teaching practices that challenge students to excel.