Lomita Park Homework Guide

  • Philosophy: The staff at Lomita Park School believes that homework and home study are an important extension of classroom learning.

    Homework assignments and home study encourage responsibility by providing activities the child can successfully perform independently or with the parent outside the school setting.  Homework completes the circle of communication between the child, parent and teacher.

    Purpose: Whenever homework exists in our school, it should supplement, complement, extend and reinforce classroom teaching and learning.  Homework/home study assignments will be based on one or more of the following purposes:

    PracticeAssignments involving practice to help students master specific skills.  These practice assignments strengthen skills introduced in the classroom.

    PreparationHelps students gain maximum benefit from future lessons.  Participation in research activities, locating facts and data prior to class discussion, provides a greater challenge and offers much more stimulation.

    ExtensionDetermines whether students can transfer specific skills or concepts to new situations.  Extension assignments attempt to take the student beyond the work begun in class and to encourage individualized and often creative and imaginative pursuit of learning.

    EnrichmentReading for pleasure and enjoyment often   involves enrichment of the student’s classroom repertoire. Enrichment activities may be short-term or long-term.

    See the information below about student and parent responsibilites, guidelines of how long your child should be spending on homework, and more. 

  • Student Responsibilities for Homework

  • Parent Responsibilities for Homework

  • Homework Time Guidelines

  • Feedback from Teachers

  • Homework if Absent