- Lomita Park Elementary
- Homework at LP
Lomita Park Homework Guide
Philosophy: The staff at Lomita Park School believes that homework and home study are an important extension of classroom learning.
Homework assignments and home study encourage responsibility by providing activities the child can successfully perform independently or with the parent outside the school setting. Homework completes the circle of communication between the child, parent and teacher.
Purpose: Whenever homework exists in our school, it should supplement, complement, extend and reinforce classroom teaching and learning. Homework/home study assignments will be based on one or more of the following purposes:
Practice: Assignments involving practice to help students master specific skills. These practice assignments strengthen skills introduced in the classroom.
Preparation: Helps students gain maximum benefit from future lessons. Participation in research activities, locating facts and data prior to class discussion, provides a greater challenge and offers much more stimulation.
Extension: Determines whether students can transfer specific skills or concepts to new situations. Extension assignments attempt to take the student beyond the work begun in class and to encourage individualized and often creative and imaginative pursuit of learning.
Enrichment: Reading for pleasure and enjoyment often involves enrichment of the student’s classroom repertoire. Enrichment activities may be short-term or long-term.
See the information below about student and parent responsibilites, guidelines of how long your child should be spending on homework, and more.
Student Responsibilities for Homework
- Ask questions in class so his/her homework assignment is clearly understood.
- Have necessary materials to complete assignments.
- Care for and return books and materials taken home to complete homework.
- Follow structure and design of work assignments set by the classroom teacher (proper heading, problems numbered, etc.)
- Complete and return assignments on time. Strive for work quality equal to the best of their ability.
- Begin work promptly at home.
Parent Responsibilities for Homework
- Provide a consistent, quiet place for homework and study activities.
- Initially review assignment with child and review finished product.
- Encourage children to work independently on assignments.
- Minimize delays and interruptions once work is begun.
- Insist upon quality-completed work.
- Demonstrate enthusiasm over work completed to expectation.
Homework Time Guidelines
The amount of time needed to complete an average homework or home study assignment will vary with each child and his/her ability level. The following times are used as guidelines only.
Kindergarten approximately 5 minutes
1st grade 5-10 minutes
2nd grade 10-15 minutes
3rd grade 15-30 minutes
4th grade 30-45 minutes
5th grade 45-60 minutes
Students who have not completed assignments in class may have additional work to complete at home. All students, grades K-5, should include pleasure reading in their daily home study. This should include being read to by an adult or older sibling or reading aloud to an adult or sibling. -
Feedback from Teachers
Students will be given regular and specific feedback on their homework assignments. Each teacher will establish procedures for distributing and collecting homework on a daily or weekly basis in a manner that is appropriate for their individual classroom.
Homework if Absent
Homework assignments for students who are absent will be given the day the student returns to school. Ample time will be given for students to make up work. Please do not request homework assignments to be sent with siblings or other students. If the student is too ill to come to school he/she needs to rest, not feel pressured to do school work while recuperating.
Assignments for extended illnesses (beyond 5 days) or trips should be arranged through the teacher.